
Causes of Back Acne Home Remedies for Pimples on Back

How to Get rid of Back Pimples

Suffering from discomforting and embarrassing back pimples? In most cases, you can get rid of acne on back by making some lifestyle changes and using body acne home remedies. If you're struggling with pimples on back, chest, and shoulders, there are a few simple ways for simple back pimples treatments that can help you to get rid of back acne overnight.

Causes of Back Acne

how to get rid of back pimples
back acne causes

Having acne on your back and chest pimples can be a frustrating condition. Hormones are a major contributing factor to the occurrence of pimples on back and shoulders and this can easily be deduced by the fact that puberty is usually synonymous with acne and pimples.

Typically, acne on chest and back usually only occurs in men. Treating this back acne condition requires some skin care, exfoliation and the constant disinfection to ensure that the problem does not arise again.

Back acne is a problem that occurs when the hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands of the skin to produce an abnormally high amount of sebum. While this in itself is not a problem, the problem occurs when the ducts that secrete sebum onto the surface of the skin are blocked. This can happen because of dead skin debris, bacteria, and dirt. The sebum then pools and forms a perfect infectious medium for the bacteria. Sensing the presence of an infection, the body sends its white blood cells to the area in an inflammatory process. The back pimples eventually rises to the surface where the resulting exudates bursts open and drains away.

back pimples
how to get rid of back acne
Sometimes, scarring can occur in a very severe case of pimples on chest and back when the resulting inflammation causes the destruction of tissue. Since the root cause of acne on back lies in the formation of a plug, it can therefore be ascertained that keep the skin clean is the best way to prevent and relieve you of back acne and scars.

Home Remedies for Back Pimples

The first step in dealing with a pimple on your back is to start taking an antibiotic. A natural herbal pimple home remedy in the form of garlic will do for this purpose. Increase your garlic intake to a whole garlic for the next three days.

Use tea tree oil for back acne cure. This essential oil has strong antibacterial properties that make it a powerful treatment for pimples on chest and back. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to your bath to help get rid of acne on your back, chest, shoulder, and other parts of your body. Tea tree oil can help you dry out the pimples on back and shoulders, whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and also help get rid of acne scars on back.

Products that contain Salicylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic Acid, etc can be very effective for treating back pimples. A body wash that contains salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide will help to exfoliate and cleanse the skin to get rid of back acne overnight.

Apply apple cider vinegar for acne breakout on back. This is one of the best natural remedies to treat and prevent bacne and acne on chest and shoulders. Apple cider vinegar has the ability to restore your skin's pH and helps eliminate acne prone skin. Dab a little apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and apply it directly to your pimples on back and chest and leave on overnight. The deep cleansing properties of apple cider vinegar can help to exfoliate skin, improve skin texture and balance hydration. This will help you get rid of body acne fast.