
How to Cure Hiccups - Remedies to Make Hiccups Go Away

How To Get Rid Of Hiccups

Hiccups rarely occur and also go off within no time. Although there is no one scientifically proven cure for hiccups, there are so many home remedies to help you on how to cure hiccups. Home remedy treatments for hiccups are plenty and some of them may sound ridiculous and funny, but are proven to be effective by some people. Some hiccup cure home remedies may not work for you but others could be effective to cure hiccups. So, each one of them is still worth knowing.

However, if your hiccups are severe, that is they last for more than 48 hours, it is best that you consult a doctor. Your hiccups might probably just symptoms of a more serious medical condition such as nerve irritation or brain injury. For occasional case, the home remedies below can effectively get rid of your hiccups.

Cure Hiccups - How to Stop Hiccups using Water Remedies

There are many home remedies to get rid of hiccups that involve the use of water.

A common cure for the hiccups is to drink two glasses of water without stopping and then taking a deep breathe while covering the nose at the same time. Another variant of the water remedies to stop hiccups is with the aid of the knife.

With the water and the knife remedy you have to get a glass of water, put a butter knife side up in the glass and then drink the water in the glass with the blade pointing to your forehead.

You can also drink 12 ounce of water plugging your nose and ears with your finger at the same time.

Breathing Method To Get Rid Of Hiccups

Other home remedies involve the regulation of one's breathing. As breathing affects the diaphragm, some people deem the breathing home remedies for hiccups as effective.

One way to do the breathing method to stop hiccups is to breathe in figure 8. As you reach the end, you have to breathe slowly and twist it around and then continue making a figure 8 with your breathing.

You can also breathe in as much air as you can. You have to keep breathing until it is impossible for you to take in air anymore; you then have to breathe out and then try to make your breathing normal. This hiccup cure method resets the diaphragm.

Sweets And Pickle Juice for Hiccups Cure

You can also search in your kitchen for home remedies for hiccups. For sure there are a lot of hiccup cure ingredients in your kitchen. A teaspoon of sugar is said to be one of the best home remedies to get rid of hiccups.

If you don't want to eat sugar, you can substitute it with honey, peanut butter or any other sweetened products such as chocolates. You can also soak a cube of sugar in fresh lemon juice and let it dissolve in your mouth. This is another best natural method to stop hiccups instantly. Read: How to get Rid of Baby Hiccups

 Pickle Juice And Vinegar to Get Rid of Hiccups

Aside from the sweets, you can also try pickle juice for hiccups cure. You should drink half a teaspoon of pickle juice every 7 to 8 minutes. If pickle juice is not available you can just use apple cider vinegar. You have to mix a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water and then sip slowly from the far side of the glass.

These are some  tips and remedies to help you stop hiccups fast. Try these natural treatments and get rid of hiccups fast.