
Best Home Remedies for Kidney Stones Treatment

Get Rid of Kidney Stones Naturally

Kidney stones are solid masses of mineral salt deposits that are normally filtered through the kidney and emptied via urine. Kidney stones can often be successfully dissolved using inexpensive home remedies and natural kidney stone treatments.

Kidney stones can form when substances in the urine—such as calcium, oxalate, and phosphorus—become highly concentrated. Excessive consumption of vitamin D, a mineral imbalance, dehydration, gout and an improper diet are other common causes for having kidney stones.

Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stone. They are caused when there is too much calcium in the urine. Pain is the most typical symptom associated with kidney stones. Kidney stones can cause severe pain and a range of other symptoms.

Kidney Stone Treatment using Home Remedies

The following are some simple natural remedies for kidney stones that may help soothe the discomfort and pain of kidney stones and speed up the body’s natural healing process.

1. Drink a lot of water to help loosen the stone. It is possible to move a small stone through your urinary tract simply by drinking plenty of water — as much as 2.5 to 3 liters a day. The more water you drink, the sooner the stone will pass.

2. Holy basil is often referred to as one of the best home remedies for kidney stone pain. The holy basil being a great diuretic and detoxifier is great for the kidneys. Mix 1 teaspoon of juice from basil leaves with 1 teaspoon of honey and have it daily in the morning. Within a few weeks, kidney stones will be dissolved and removed through urinary tract. You can also chew 2 to 3 basil leaves in order to remove the stones from the urinary tract.

3. Drinking parsley tea is a great natural way to get rid of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Steep 2 grams finely chopped dried parsley root in 5 ounces boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink up to one cup three times a day. It will flush out a UTI and even dissolve kidney stones.

4. The combination of lemon juice and olive oil can also be used to treat kidney stones. Add the juice of 2 lemons to 3 tablespoons of olive oil and drink the solution for several days, or until the stone passes. The high acidity of lemon juice aids in breaking down the crystal aggregations while olive oil soothes and lubricates your urethral passages, making the passing of your kidney stones pain free.

5. A simple way to dissolve stones naturally is to consume apple cider vinegar. Drinking diluted apple cider vinegar daily helps in the prevention of kidney stones, as apple cider vinegar is highly acidic and works to balance the body and dissolve the crystals that form into stones. You can repeat this remedy multiple times during each day until you notice some relief.

6. The common calcium oxalate stone can form in acidic urine whether one takes vitamin C or not. However, this type of stone can be prevented by adequate quantities of B-complex vitamins and magnesium. This is a natural way of dissolving your kidney stone.

7. A high salt diet can also cause existing kidney disease to progress faster. A high-sodium diet can trigger kidney stones because it increases the amount of calcium in your urine. So a low-sodium diet is recommended for the stone prone.

8. The leaf of nettle plant is specifically useful for bladder and kidneys. It acts as natural diuretics and helps to maintain the water flow through kidneys and bladder, which promotes easy urination. Besides, nettle leaf helps to prevent formation of stones and bacterial infection. Daily intake of 2-3 cups of nettle tea is preferable in kidney stone problem.

9. When you have kidney stones, it is important to get plenty of fiber in your diet. Nothing is higher in fiber than bran flakes. Doing this kidney stone remedy every day will reduce your risk of kidney stones.

10. Water melon is an effective natural remedy for kidney stones treatment. Watermelons and watermelon juice are fantastic for flushing out the kidneys and dissolving kidney stones. It is rich in potassium salts as well.

11. Kidney beans are said to be an excellent home remedy for dissolving kidney stones. Try to eat at least half a cup of kidney beans a day, but avoid canned varieties that contain excessive sodium, which is unhealthy for your kidneys.

12. One herbal tea option for cleansing the kidneys is marshmallow root tea. Marshmallow root herb helps to reduce inflammation naturally in the digestive tract. A quart of marshmallow root tea daily helps to cleanse the kidneys and eliminate stones.

13. Pomegranate is best for kidney stone treatment. To ease the pain of kidney stones, drink pomegranate juice. You could notice a reduction in pain and symptoms resulting from kidney stones.

14. Take kava-kava tablets as an effective treatment for kidney stone. This herb is a calcium channel blocker which alleviates the spasms related to kidney stones while relaxing your urethra.

15. Are you looking for a natural way to remove kidney stones and kidney stones pain relief? Try horsetail tea, a natural diuretic that can help get rid of kidney stone pain.

16. Organic dandelion root is a great kidney tonic and cleanser. Taking up to 500 mg twice a day may be beneficial in the kidney stone removal procedure.

17. Uva-ursi leaves are used to treat kidney stones. Not only will it help fight off infection in the kidneys, but it may also help reduce pain and cleanse the urinary tract. Take 500 mg three times daily for removing kidney stones.

These are some of the best natural ways to get rid of kidney stones. These herbal remedies are effective for dissolving kidney stones and flushing them out of the body. However, if you continue to have pain and other symptoms associated with kidney stones, then you should contact your doctor.