
Baby Hiccups - Causes and Remedies for Newborn Hiccups

Baby Hiccups

Is it your first time to be a mom? If yes, you probably get nervous every time your baby hiccups. There are a lot of moms like you who are also bothered by their newborns hiccups. But don’t you worry because hiccups in babies are just normal. You will be surprise to know that babies that are still inside the mother's wombs also hiccup; this is what is called in-utero hiccups. For newborn babies, hiccupping is very frequent. Preterm babies, in fact, spend more than half-an hour a day hiccupping. Baby hiccups becomes less frequent when the baby grows older.

The Causes of Hiccups In Babies

Why do babies get hiccups? Hiccups occur when the muscle that helps the babies breathe, that is the diaphragm, contracts forcefully.

Although it is still not clear why hiccups occur in babies, there is a theory stating that when the babies are still in their mom's wombs, hiccups in babies serve as the regular, rhythmic diaphragm workout that aids their breathing when they are born.

Newborn hiccups should not be a cause of worry for new moms. Hiccups are just normal. Hiccups in babies may become less frequent a year after they were born.

However if hiccups in babies occur very often and last for a long period of time, doctors should be consulted as the hiccups might be symptoms of gastroesophogeal reflux (GER).

How to Stop Baby Hiccups - Remedy For Babies Hiccups

There might not be any cure for newborn hiccups, though there are some ways to get rid of baby hiccups. Hiccups may interrupt the feeding of babies and if they are not fed for long, they will fuss.

One of the ways to alleviate the effects of baby hiccups is to sit the babies up and comfort them until the hiccups pass. Letting the babies feed at the breasts can also alleviate hiccups sometimes as it will relax the diaphragm.

Instead of breast feeding, you could also let your baby take sips from bottles. It is also helpful to observe the moments when your baby’s hiccups occur.

Hiccups in babies after feeding - If your baby keeps getting hiccups after feeding, you should try burping the baby during feeding to get rid of baby hiccups.

Others suggest that newborn hiccups may be cause by the drops in the temperature of babies. So you should also try to hold your baby close to you and keep your infant warm.
Baby Hiccups - Important Things Every Mom Should Remember

Mothers should not worry regarding their baby's bouts of hiccups. Hiccups in babies are simply normal.

Pregnancy baby hiccups - Hiccupping even happens when the baby is still in the womb.

When a baby hiccups, what you should do is to comfort your infant to keep him or her from fussing until the hiccups pass.

You should never try hiccups remedies intended for adults such as letting your bay breathe in a paper bag or giving him or her teaspoon of honey to stop baby hiccups.

What works for adults hiccups may not work for babies with hiccups; it may even endanger the life of your baby. So, if your baby has hiccups, before trying anything on your baby, you should better consult a doctor. The doctor can help you deal better with your baby's hiccups.