
How to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups - 6 Best Remedies to Stop Newborn Hiccups

Newborn Hiccups - How to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups

Hiccups are very common for every human being, including babies and older adults. A hiccup is a sudden, involuntary contraction (spasm) of the diaphragm muscle. When the muscle spasms, the vocal cords snap shut, producing the hiccup sound. Baby hiccups are something that is very normal in infants and does not cause any harm to them. What helps newborns with hiccups?

Hiccups associated with feeding are quite common in newborn babies and are usually brought on by reflux. Reflux commonly occurs several times each day in both formula-fed and breastfed babies under one year old. Newborn hiccups isn't serious. Want to know how to get rid of hiccups in a baby? In this article, you will find some tips on how to get rid of your baby's hiccups.

How to Stop Baby Hiccups - Remedies For Hiccups In Newborns

How do you get rid of newborn baby hiccups? Read on to know how to get rid of baby hiccups naturally.

Breastfeeding to Stop Baby Hiccups Quickly

Can you feed newborn with hiccups? Hiccups in babies are rarely a bother to them, so you do not need to try and stop a baby's hiccups. However, offering your baby a top-up breastfeed will help to get rid of hiccups. The action of sucking liquid or swallowing food will stimulate the diaphragm that relaxes the muscles in the diaphragm to control hiccups and ease contractions.

Burp Your Baby Halfway Through A Feeding to Prevent Infant Hiccups

Newborn gets hiccups after every feeding. Overfeeding is one of the main causes of newborn hiccups. Most babies hiccup from time to time during feeds. In newborns, they're typically caused by a full stomach, taking in too much air while feeding. This excessive air makes the diaphragm contract, which results in infant hiccups. Burping the baby in between feeding can help stop newborn hiccups. Keep him upright on your shoulder or on your chest for at least 10 minutes after a feeding to allow any air that sneaked its way in to rise and enable him to burp. This is the simplest way to cure hiccups in babies.

Give Gripe Water To Get Rid Of Hiccups in a Baby

Gripe water is one product that you might use to try to stop your baby's hiccup. Many nursing mothers have used gripe water as an effective home remedy treatment method to get rid of hiccups in babies. How do you get rid of newborn baby hiccups using gripe water? Mix gripe water in some plain water and feed your baby using a dropper. This baby hiccup treatment can give relief from minor stomach problems from gas.

Keep Your Baby Warm To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups

In order to get rid of hiccups for a baby, it is also necessary to keep him warm since hiccups in babies are often caused by a sudden drop in temperature. If the temperature drastically drops, the baby’s body tends to get cold, which causes hiccups. So, it is always advisable to keep the newborn babies warm using blankets or by wrapping with warm clothing to treat and prevent baby hiccups.

Try Sugar Remedy to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups

Take some sugar on your fingers or dip your finger in sugar syrup or sugar water and make your baby suck on it for a few seconds. Sugar helps the spasms and reduces the incidence of hiccups in newborns.

How To Stop Baby Hiccups using Anise Seeds

A baby with hiccups can be made at ease by using an herbal remedy using anise seeds. To remedy on how to get rid of baby hiccups, take one glass of water, add one tablespoon of anise seeds to it, and boil it for 10 minutes. Once the mixture cools, give the baby a tablespoon of it to stop hiccups. It tastes like licorice and has anti-flatulent properties. It relieves hiccup as well as cools the body and brings relief from stomach discomfort and gas problems. It is a very useful home remedy that helps to stop infant hiccups quickly.

Baby hiccups are generally not harmful and last from a minute to about half an hour, but very, very occasionally newborn hiccups can be a symptom of another problem and may even indicate reflux. If your newborn baby gets the hiccups frequently, or has hiccups that last the whole day, with a medical practitioner is recommended.