
How to Get Rid of Hives (Urticaria) - 17 Best Remedies to Relieve Itching and Rash

Get Rid of Hives Naturally

Are you looking for ways to get rid of hives fast? , then you can use natural treatment to get rid of hives. Natural methods use home remedies to treat hives or urticaria and get rid of the root cause of disease. This will permanently cure itching and rashes from hives or urticaria.

Hives also known as urticaria are a blotchy, itchy skin condition that can feel as bad as it looks. Hives are an allergic reaction that takes the form of itchy red bumps or welts on the skin. Hives can be triggered by a number of causes, but more often than not, they are caused by allergens, skin irritants, or stress.

Home Remedies for Hives Treatment

The best way to stop itching from hives is to prevent the hives from developing. Use these homemade treatments for hives to help relieve the itching, and rashes and make them disappear.

1. The primary treatment to get rid of hives is to increase the immunity of the body. An excellent home remedy for hives is to take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk or water two to three times a day. Turmeric is found to be as an effective home remedy for hives problem.

2. An easy natural cure for hives is to soak a ball of cotton wool in milk of magnesia and apply the lotion all over the rash. Milk of magnesia is alkaline in nature and as such, relieves itching and irritation. Repeat this process at least twice to three times a day to get rid of hives fast.

3. Herbal teas such as peppermint, valerian, and chamomile have a very soothing effect and help to reduce discomfort as also cure hives. Tea made from stinging nettles should be consumed at least twice a day and is a very effective natural treatment for hives. These teas help in calming your nerves and thereby help relieve the symptoms of hives.

4. Another excellent option is adding a few cups of apple cider vinegar to your bath or using compresses soaked in apple cider vinegar on the rash areas. Although you might experience a bit of stinging at first, the apple cider vinegar should begin to relieve the inflammation of hives quickly.

5. In a teaspoon of olive oil, add a few drops of grapefruit seed extract. Apply this mixture over the irritated skin. This solves a dual purpose - reduces itching as well as heals hives.

6. You can relieve the itch and some stress with a nice, long soothing cornstarch bath Fill your bathtub with warm water. Mix together ½ cup baking soda and ½ cup cornstarch. Pour the powder mixture into the water. Soak in this water for at least 15 minutes in order to get some relieve from hives.

7. Licorice root may decrease irritation due to urticaria and supports your immune-system, which in turn assists the body in recovering from hives symptoms faster.

8. Take cayenne pepper capsules to help the healing hives. Cayenne pepper capsules can help hives disappear faster than other regimens since it improves circulation.

9. You can also make a paste of oat meal and corn starch and then apply it on the skin rash. Many people find this treatment good for curing urticaria. For treating itchy skin and rashes from hives, apply this hives home remedy regularly.

10. Aloe vera gel, one among the common ingredient in skin care products is a safe home remedy to get rid of hives or urticaria. Aloe vera gel has healing properties which can relieve the itching and burning sensation as well as calm the swelling in a short time.

11. Oatmeal is another home remedy that might be helpful in treating hives. It has a calming effect and helps to soothe the skin irritation. You can add oatmeal to your hot bath water and soak in it to get relief from hives. This is one of the most effective natural home remedies for urticaria itching.

12. Hives can be relieved by using papaya home remedy. Papaya has a soothing and cooling effect on skin rashes caused by this disease. So, apply mashed papaya on urticaria rashes to reduce the discomfort and facilitate the process of healing.

13. Application of cold compress is best remedy for reducing inflammation and itching caused by hives or urticaria. Apply an ice pack, bag of ice, or frozen vegetable packages wrapped in thin cloths to the allergies for 10 minutes at a time. Reapply the cold compress every few hours as needed to reduce pain and swelling of urticaria.

14. Jewelweed is another herbal remedy to reduce itchiness from an outbreak of hives. It can be boiled in a gallon of water, strained and cooled. The liquid stops itching extremely well. Jewelweed contains a compound called lawsone that is effective for treating the itching of hives.

15. Another herbal remedy for curing hives is thyme. To follow this therapy, boil a pint of water and add half ounce of dried thyme in it. Cover the pan with a lid and let it cool. Finally, soak cotton in this liquid and apply on the skin rash.

16. Apple cider vinegar helps to relieve the itching that is associated with hives. To use this hives remedy, simply mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water to create a liquid mixture. Apply the liquid mixture to your hives. If the hives are over a large portion of your body, put the liquid mixture in a spray bottle and spray it over the red rash of hives after bathing.

17. Use topical creams or lotions for relieving hives. Creams and lotions help numb nerve endings and alleviate the itching, as well as soothe burning or stinging. Look for creams that contain camphor, menthol, diphenhydramine or pramoxine.

These are some of the effective natural methods and home remedies to get rid of hives fast. Try these home remedies to get relief from itching and rash from urticaria or hives.